Headshot/Personal Branding - Pauline
https://www.facebook.com/paulinereeseofficialhttps://www.facebook.com/paulinereeseofficialPauline is a country music artist. Her goal was to have multiple looks and images to update her social media pages on a regular basis. This of course increases interest from her followers whenever she posts a new photo, keeps her top of mind, and shows her versatility. I think we accomplished that! Her personal branding session was at the Fort Worth Stockyards. Photos were made in the lobby of the Stockyards Hotel and The Drover Hotel, as well as outside. Notice some photos with her guitar and some without. And by the way, it was a blast!
If you'd like to follow Pauline check her out here: paulinereese.com & https://www.facebook.com/paulinereeseofficial
You'll notice many of the photos she uses on her social media posts and in marketing are from her sessions with Lea Rhea Photography!
Ready to schedule your personal branding session? Click the link below to schedule a phone call with Lea Rhea. We'll talk about your industry, the types of images you are needing and wanting, determine location, and how soon you'd like to get started. We have 3 personal branding packages based on time and the number of images you will be needing. This is an investment in yourself and in this digital age is a requirement for promoting you and/or your business.